Sunday, July 22, 2012

Harper's Debut x 2 as part of the healing process and in order to share our precious photo memories of Harper with our loved ones, I created a video. Mind you, this was my first ever attempt at such an endeavor. I litteraly slaved over this production for days and days and spent countless late night hours cutting and pasting video and song clips with a cloud of snotty tear-drenched tissues surrounding me.

Making this video was hard, so very hard. The pain was immense but the smiles were plenty too. I posted it to YouTube today after I gained my husband's approval. With it being such a delicate issue, I wanted to make sure he was okay with it. It tore my heart apart watching him watch videos of his "Lil Miss" as I wiped tears from his cheeks. 

For the Love of Harper~
A Tribute to Harper Averie

It ended up being pretty ironic, my posting the tribute video for Harper today. Most things now days are bittersweet. Today was a dandy though. There is a girl that was a couple of years behind me in school. Her mom is my neighbor and my mom works with her sister-in-law. She and her husband were pregnant with their second child the same time I was pregnant with Harper. I logged on to Facebook today only to discover that they welcomed a beautiful little girl named "Harper" into the world.

I had heard from friends that they were thinking of the name Harper after my Harper was born. I was like, so much for trying to be original. I won't lie, after Harper left us, I hoped that they would change their mind and choose another name for their precious baby.

I immediately called my mom, sobbing (as I do oh so often). Even though I had anticipated this, it did not fully prepare me for the waves of heartache and jealously that overcame me.

Then I looked at my beautiful Harper's picture and then I looked at their beautiful Harper's picture and I couldn't help but to smile through my tears.Teeny tiny little Harpers...they are a thing of beauty.

~For the Love of Harper(s)~ <3

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